Posts tagged with 'letters'

‘Paying a Visit’ in Alice Thornton's Books

‘Paying a Visit’ in Alice Thornton's Books

Festival time is in full swing here in Edinburgh and this time of year is also when many of us, including the Alice Thornton’s Books team, host relatives and friends or take time off to travel. In Tho...

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Women's History Month 2024, 5: Journeying with Anne Clifford and Alice Thornton

Women's History Month 2024, 5: Journeying with Anne Clifford and Alice Thornton

March is Women's History Month and to mark it - like last year - we’ve been bringing you a series of blog posts, this time on Alice Thornton and her links to various other women. In this final instalm...

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Women's History Month 2024, 4: Alice Thornton and the North American Connection

Women's History Month 2024, 4: Alice Thornton and the North American Connection

March is Women's History Month and to mark it - like last year - we’re bringing you a series of blog posts, this time on Alice Thornton and various women that feature in her writings. In this instalme...

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Women's History Month 2024, 3: Alice Thornton and Anne Danby on Stage

Women's History Month 2024, 3: Alice Thornton and Anne Danby on Stage

March is Women's History Month and, like last year, to mark it we’re bringing you a series of blog posts, this time on Alice Thornton and various women that feature in her writings. In this third post...

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Women's History Month 2024, 1: Alice Thornton and Daphne Lightfoot

Women's History Month 2024, 1: Alice Thornton and Daphne Lightfoot

March is Women's History Month and to mark it - like last year - we’re bringing you a series of blog posts, this time on Alice Thornton and various women that feature in her writings. The first, by pr...

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Alice Wandesford Thornton (1626-1707): Anniversary Special

Alice Wandesford Thornton (1626-1707): Anniversary Special

Thursday 1st February 2024 marks the 317th anniversary of the burial of Alice Thornton, followed - on 13 February – by the 398th anniversary of her birth. To mark these occasions, this month’s post wi...

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Alice Thornton and the Irish Rebellion of 1641

Alice Thornton and the Irish Rebellion of 1641

This guest blog to mark the anniversary of the Irish Rebellion is by Naomi McAreavey, Associate Professor in Renaissance Literature at University College Dublin. Naomi McAreavey is editor of The Lette...

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Finding Alice Thornton's Letters

Finding Alice Thornton's Letters

The 1st September is World Letter Writing Day. While Alice Thornton (1626-1707) is best known for writing four books about her life, we know that she frequently communicated by letter and we have been...

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'Tragical transactions at Newton': Thornton's niece responds

'Tragical transactions at Newton': Thornton's niece responds

Last month, Cordelia Beattie wrote a blog post for the British Library's Untold Lives series about Thornton's account of her betrayal by her niece, Anne Danby. In Thornton's version of events, she had...

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Alice Thornton’s Heart: An Early Modern Emoji

Alice Thornton’s Heart: An Early Modern Emoji

One of the benefits of working with Alice Thornton’s original manuscripts is that we got to see that where later editors had written ‘heart’, Thornton herself had sometimes used the sign (or emoji) ♡....

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'A Curious Account': Alice Thornton on the Last Days of Charles I

'A Curious Account': Alice Thornton on the Last Days of Charles I

We are nearing the anniversary of the execution of Charles I, which took place on 30 January 1649. For Alice Thornton, looking back on this c.1669 when writing Book 1: The First Book of My Life, Charl...

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Cordelia Beattie, Suzanne Trill, Joanne Edge, Sharon Howard. 'Posts tagged with 'letters''. Alice Thornton's Books. Accessed .