Posts tagged with 'childbirth'

‘Paying a Visit’ in Alice Thornton's Books

‘Paying a Visit’ in Alice Thornton's Books

Festival time is in full swing here in Edinburgh and this time of year is also when many of us, including the Alice Thornton’s Books team, host relatives and friends or take time off to travel. In Tho...

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Alice Thornton's Books as a Resource for Others

Alice Thornton's Books as a Resource for Others

As the Alice Thornton’s Books team works towards the launch of the Digital Scholarly Edition, we have had some great discussions with members of the public and with other researchers. We are largely b...

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Project postdoc Jo Edge appears on History with H podcast

Project postdoc Jo Edge appears on History with H podcast

Just before Christmas, project postdoc Jo Edge was interviewed for the History with H podcast by Heather Rowe. She talked about Alice Wandesford Thornton and the connection we found to Middleham Castl...

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Women’s History Month 2023, 4: Time Matters

Women’s History Month 2023, 4: Time Matters

For Women’s History Month 2023, we have been posting a series of reflections on our first encounters with Alice Thornton and our changing relationship with her books from then to now. Feel free to get...

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Women’s History Month 2023, 2: Re-reading Alice Thornton's pains and perils

Women’s History Month 2023, 2: Re-reading Alice Thornton's pains and perils

For Women’s History Month 2023, we are posting a series of reflections on our first encounters with Alice Thornton and our changing relationship with her books from then to now. Feel free to get invol...

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Women’s History Month 2023, 1: Alice Thornton and Margery Kempe

Women’s History Month 2023, 1: Alice Thornton and Margery Kempe

For Women’s History Month 2023, we are posting a series of reflections on our first encounters with Alice Thornton and our changing relationship with her books from then to now. Feel free to get invol...

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Taking it to Heart: Grief and Illness in Alice Thornton's Books

Taking it to Heart: Grief and Illness in Alice Thornton's Books

Content note: miscarriage, child illness In February 1655, Alice Thornton was in bed recovering from giving birth to her second daughter, Elizabeth (Betty), when her maid called out to her. Her one-ye...

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TEI and Narratives of Events in Alice Thornton's Books

TEI and Narratives of Events in Alice Thornton's Books

In an earlier post, I introduced some ways in which TEI markup and linkage can help the project to analyse patterns in Alice's writing and trace differences between her books, focusing on mentions of ...

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Alice Thornton, Memory and Middleham Castle

Alice Thornton, Memory and Middleham Castle

What is Alice Thornton’s connection to Middleham Castle? While Alice grew up in relative privilege, living in nice halls such as Kirklington and Hipswell with her family, she certainly didn’t live any...

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Citing this web page:

Cordelia Beattie, Suzanne Trill, Joanne Edge, Sharon Howard. 'Posts tagged with 'childbirth''. Alice Thornton's Books. Accessed .