- Alice's Life
- arrow direction
- Book Events
- Historical Events
- Births
- Deaths
- Marriages
- Male
- Female
- T: Thornton
- CW: Thornton's father
- AW: Thornton's mother
- WT: Thornton's husband
- 1: Thornton's 1st child
- 9: Thornton's 9th child
Below is a visual representation revealing the story of Alice Thornton’s life, using data from her Books and other sources. It shows the many births and almost as many deaths of her children and immediate family members, along with some marriages. Significant historical events are also noted to show their relationship with Thornton’s life.
"Guidelines" and "Key" section on the right, slide out once triggered, give guidance on how to understand and navigate the timeline.
Follow the curved grey line that starts with her birth and concludes with her death. The timeline starts from left to right, following the curve downward and round to snake in the opposite direction. Arrows are included at each curve to guide the direction of reading.
Triangles on the timeline represent the number of events in each year that Thornton wrote about. Taller triangles indicate years with more recorded events, while smaller triangles reflect fewer events. Long vertical lines mark events of historical importance or notable years in Thornton’s own life.
Hovering over each year reveals more details about the events recorded for that year. Clicking/tapping on a year expands additional information.