In collaboration with our partners at King’s Digital Lab, we are delighted to announce that the first 22 pages of our text-encoded files of Alice Thornton’s Book of Remembrances (modernised and semi-diplomatic versions) can now be viewed side-by-side so they can be compared.
Pressing the 'clone' button at the top right (two squares) brings up the other panel and you can use the drop down list (top left) to toggle between the modernised and semi-diplomatic views so you can choose which one you would like on the left and which one on the right of the screen. Unfortunately, this function is not available on mobile phones.
For more information on current functionality (including tagging, annotations and editorial principles) please see our earlier post, ‘Further Information about the Partial Release'.
We very much hope you like what you see and again we look forward to your feedback. Please email us at alicethorntonsbooks at gmail dot com with any comments.