Editorial Principles
The semi-diplomatic version of the text retains some original textual features, including original lineation, paragraphing, punctuation, spelling and capitalisation. It also includes evidence of authorial corrections, such as insertions and deletions. However, to make this version more accessible we have silently modernised Thornton’s use of u/v, i/j and long S, and expanded her contractions of words such as ‘the’, ‘which’, and ‘that’ (from ye, wch and yt). Occasionally, Thornton omits a word that impedes sense; in such cases, we have supplied materials in square brackets (see key).
This version modernises according to the conventions of UK English, supplemented by Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) referencing recommendations. To retain a sense of Thornton’s distinctive voice, we have retained archaic forms and provided glosses. Sometimes this means that Thornton’s syntax deviates from modern expectations, especially regarding single/plural subject/verb agreement.